Dr. Poulos Talks About Obalon


Dr. S. Poulos: Hi, I’m Dr. Stanley Poulos, board certified plastic surgeon here in Marin County, California.

The most gratifying part of our business as aesthetic plastic surgeons is being able to be with people when they’re making that journey to what really is life-changing, to being happy about it.

But those people that can’t take off on that journey because they’re over their ideal weight, they’re over a weight range that would even allow them to have surgery, has been a problem, because we’ve had to send people out without an answer to that. So the Obalon system is for people not necessarily that are morbidly obese, but that are out of the range that’s going to allow them to achieve the look that they desire, right?

So who’s a candidate for the Obalon system? It’s someone in that weight range of 25 to 50, even 70 pounds overweight, that’s going to be able to make a transformation in a year’s period of time with this new product.

A lot of people who are overweight, don’t ever have a feeling that they’re full. They don’t really have anything that tells them when is it time to stop eating. Medically we call that satiety. That means, “I feel full.” So as we have these balloons, you don’t want to eat as much. The caloric intake goes down. About 30 to 60 days after the second balloon, we’ll place a third balloon. The patients who have all three balloons lose twice as much weight as patients who only have two balloons.

Six months after placement of the first balloon, so a six months total period of time, the balloons are removed. So these initial swallowing of the balloon, placement of the balloons requires no sedation. It requires no anesthesia. It’s just a 10-minute procedure to swallow the balloon and have it inflated.

We now have something to offer that’s safe, that’s easy, that’s affordable, and it works. In the FDA studies, it even showed that people who lost that weight, that 25 to 50 pounds in the six-month period of time, at a year, 89% of them had kept the weight off. So it’s something that works and can be life changing, ’cause what we’ve actually done is created kind of an intervention. We’ve changed habits.

The thing that makes the greatest difference in the way the patient looks was that loss of 50 pounds. So that’s an aesthetic intervention that we haven’t had in our business before. And health and wellness really should be a part of what we offer, and it hasn’t been heretofore in the aesthetic industry.

So I think for those patients who have come this far, those patients who are watching this video right now because they have a problem that they’ve not been able to solve, the most important thing to do is take that first step. Every journey begins with a first step, and this is a journey. I’ve seen it work, I know it can work, and it will work for you.

Dr. Moore Invites YOU to Join our NeoGraft Event for 20% Off


Dr. Kirk Moore: Okay, here today to talk about NeoGraft. It’s a brand new technology available for both men and women. It’s a minimally invasive hair transplant procedure, it leaves you with no scar, minimal recovery. It’s in and out in one day. Usually all the grafting can be done in one procedure. It’s awesome. You take little hair plugs from the back of your head and you transplant them directly to here. There’s no linear scar involved, no incisions. Again, it can be done on both men and women.

The recovery time is very minimal. You go home the same day, you start back to pretty much normal activities, just no scrubbing in the area where the grafts were placed. Might want to wear a hat for a couple of days, just to protect the area, but other than that, there’s no significant recovery involved.

We’re having an open house, kind of an event, a special event that we’re going to be offering some specials and door prizes and gifts. And it’s also combined with our new Botox product, Xeomin, and be able to combine those two. So Botox and discounts on your new hair graft transplantation.

Dr. Kirk Moore: Breast Augmentation Utah


Dr. Kirk Moore from Just The Right Curves explains why he chooses a rapid recovery procedure with all of his patients for breast augmentation. www.JustTheRightCurves.com


Kirk Moore: Especially related to breast augmentation, the biggest thing for me is the least disruption to somebody’s lifestyle, the better off they are. That’s the whole motivation for me to get behind, kind of a rapid recovery procedure and to really provide that experience. Most people have young kids at home, they’ve got a life, they work and they don’t want to be down for two, three weeks. A lot of people have put off getting the procedure done because their friends or family or mom or somebody had this procedure done and it was the worst experience that they’d ever had and so they put off getting it done. My idea was to try to avoid that.

Dr. Kirk Moore’s Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation


Dr. Moore has a passion for plastic surgery. He has dedicated himself to perfecting the breast augmentation procedure so that his patients can have the quickest possible recovery, while receiving the best possible results.


Dr. Kirk Moore: Hi, I’m Dr. Kirk Moore with Plastic Surgery Institute of Utah. I think what sets us apart is our rapid recovery breast augmentation. It’s been a passion of mine to perfect the technique as much as possible, and I think that with your expectations and my surgical technique, with a different anesthetic that’s provided during surgery, and then your recovery exercises, we’ve been able to achieve that.

Brenda: I love working here with Dr. Moore and seeing our patients as they come in for their followup appointments, and to see how pleasantly surprised that they’re feeling the day after surgery. Most of our patients are back to work the next day and are feeling fantastic, and are quite surprised themselves at how well they feel… And so pleased with their results.

Allie: Dr. Moore’s awesome, he’s an incredible surgeon. I would recommend him to every single person. I’ve talked to random people about him, I’ve talked to my friends about him. Everything that I’ve dealt with with Dr. Moore has been perfect, and I’m very thrilled with the results.

Brenda: When you’re in the OR with him and you feel his energy and his passion for the work that he does, it’s indescribable to see that, and to see the perfection that he displays as he’s performing his surgeries.

Dr. Kirk Moore Answers your ORBERA® Questions



Dr. Kirk Moore: All right, what is Orbera? Orbera is a balloon that we put inside the stomach. It takes some space up inside the stomach. It just controls your portions. It’s not painful. Recovery time is pretty straightforward. You have a clear liquid diet, or liquid diet for seven to 10 days. There’s some nausea that’s manageable with medications. Weight loss is at least 30% more with the Orbera balloon than it is with diet and exercise alone.

Dr. Kirk Moore Answers ORBERA’s FAQs



Dr. Kirk Moore: Orbera. It is a small balloon that goes into your stomach. It fills your stomach, gives you a sense of satiety, that you’re full. It’s a two part program. The balloon, and then the nutritional coaching. The balloon lasts for six months, and then the coaching lasts for a full year, so that even beyond the balloon removal, you still maintain nutritional coaching. Which helps you. You have three times the weight loss that you get with nutrition and diet alone. It’s very safe. It’s FDA approved. It’s 30 minute, in office procedure, with some mile sedation. You go home the same day. And very well tolerated. And excellent option for women looking for, women and men looking for weight loss in excess of 25, 30 pounds.

Dana Goossens – Obalon Testimonial



Dana Goosesns: My name is Dana. I’m from McHenry, Illinois. I was 178 when I started, when I decided I gotta change something. My shirt was tight on my arms, my boots didn’t fit me right, everything was just going through almost… like I can’t, I can’t be like this. This isn’t me. This is not me.

The quick fixes never worked for me ’cause they really literally are just quick fixes. It’s just for a short period of time. This program made you eat normal and feel your body getting full and realizing, ’cause these balloons are not gonna be in here forever, so you really had to work hard at listening to your body. This is a lifestyle change, this is not diet. I had drastically changed my life in the last six months when it comes to the eating habits, and not even just portion, but the physical type of food I’m putting in my body. This was the first time that I’m actually eating normal, and I’m losing weight, and I’m seeing results.

People think, “Oh, I’m not gonna be able to eat anything or you’re only losing weigh because you’re not eating anything.” Well, if they look at my food log, they’ll see that I eat every two hours, on the hour, but I was feeding myself healthy things and portion control. So I think with my good habits of listening to my body and slowing and thinking about the portion control, having the balloons really made me conscious of what I was doing and what I was putting in my body, and then taking accountability for writing it down. The six month process allowed me to make those small changes, so I didn’t feel overwhelmed with it.

The procedure itself, for me, it was easy, in and out, maybe 10 minutes at the most. It was fast. I didn’t feel nervous at all and once it’s in, I mean, you don’t feel anything. The other good thing about the procedure is that it’s very discreet. You leave and nobody knows, nobody knows, you look exactly the same. You’re not on any medications that would make you groggy or tired or… so that was another good thing. You’re in, you’re out, t’s like getting your teeth cleaned. I could return right back to work as well, so that was another great thing about the procedure.

I’m actually complaining that I have no clothes that fit me because they’re too big and luckily I’ve saved all my “skinny” pants or “small” shirts, so I haven’t really done any shopping. I’d love to go on a shopping spree, but I got some things that fit me and I feel good in, so I’m okay with that.

CoolSculpting into a Smoother Silhouette for Summer



Lauren: Hi, I’m Lauren. I’m the master recitation at Plastic Surgery Institute of Utah, and I wanted to talk to you today about coolsculpting. Coolsculpting is the only FDA cleared nonsurgical fat reduction treatment, and it’s proven to provide long lasting fat reduction in problem areas. It works by utilizing cold temperatures to target fat cells beneath the skin, so the skin remains unaffected. The idea behind this is that the cold can selectively affect the fat cells and over the next few weeks following the treatment, they are carried out through the body’s natural elimination process. We recommend a minimum of two treatments for optimal results. I love it, because it’s an easy treatment. It’s noninvasive, it’s nonsurgical, and there’s no downtime, so it’s a great way to get rid of unwanted fat cells that resist diet and exercise. Come schedule a consultation to see if you’re a candidate.

Behind the Scenes with Molly Sims and CoolSculpting!



Molly Sims: It’s awesome. I’m so lucky. It’s very busy. It’s very hectic. It’s hard to kind of find that balance of taking care of me and taking care of them. If I take care of myself, I feel better with them. I think that’s been really good for my head space, especially on the second one. It’s really just try to find that balance and not being too hard on yourself.

I ended up gaining almost 82 pounds, so I ended up having a thyroid condition. Oh my god. I’ve got to lose all of this. As much as you think, oh, you can do it in three months or six months and you have so much pressure on you from being in the public eye or just pressure on you from yourself, it took a really long time and it was hard.

I ultimately tried the coolsculpting procedure because I had the last little bit that I felt like, aw, it’s such a stubborn area and I kept doing my sit ups, and I’m like, it just won’t come off. I did the treatment, and within four to six weeks I noticed complete results. I think for me as a mom, I was worried about going under. I didn’t have a lot of time, so I think what appealed to me most was that it was noninvasive, no anesthesia, and it was such little down time.

I think the best advice my mom ever gave me is try to be the best you can be because the better you are, the better you’re going to feel, and if you feel good, you look good and if you look good, you feel good. So, I always tell women if you want to do something that’s going to change you and make you feel better about yourself, do it. You couldn’t do 7,000 sit ups a day. Okay. So, you got a little coolsculpting treatment instead. I just think it’s okay to help yourself out.

Allie Miller Breast Augmentation Experience with Dr. Kirk Moore


Find out why Allie chose Dr. Kirk Moore from Just The Right Curves to do her breast augmentation. Dr. Moore is a board certified plastic surgeon in Midvale, Utah. Dr. Moore specializes in Rapid Recovery Breast Augmentation so that you can be back to work within 48 hours.


Allie Miller: My name is Allie Miller, and I am a very happy patient with Dr. Kirk Moore. The staff at Plastic Surgery Institute of Utah make you feel like you’re one of their best friends. They’re all so welcoming. When I first heard of Dr. Moore, it was on the radio. I was super skeptical about the rapid recovery part, so I did a lot of research and finally decided to do a consultation. I came in here, and basically Dr. Moore was super easy to work with. He made you feel really comfortable, explained the entire process and made you realize that it wasn’t this crazy thing.

It was simple, and I got super excited about it, wanted to do it right away. Dr. Moore’s awesome. He’s an incredible surgeon. I would recommend him to every single person. I’ve talked to random people about him. I’ve talked to my friends about him. Everything that I’ve dealt with with Dr. Moore has been perfect and I’m very thrilled with the results.


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