Adeena – Obalon Testimonial



Adeena: I work in PR and so every day there’s another event, another dinner, another thing with a lot of wine or desserts and so for me it’s always been kind of hard because you know, you can’t really track calories or have pre made meals so dieting for me has been a struggle because I’ve really, like, I have a crazy kind of schedule. So, I needed something that would help me change my life and he changed my relationship with food. I am about 3 1/2 months into my procedure, I have all three balloons, and I’ve continued on a steady pace of about 1 1/2 pounds a week, so I’m down about 20 pounds altogether so far. I’ve been that girlfriend at dinner who you hate, the one who always is like, oh, we can order dessert and then eats one bite and is like, I’m so full, I couldn’t have another bite. That is by far the best thing ever.

I think that I totally did this for myself. I did not do this for my husband or my kid or my parents or anybody else, I really wanted to lose weight. It’s disappointing when you look in the mirror and you just don’t recognize yourself. One of the things I really liked, it’s a six month treatment, there wasn’t surgery involved, it was out of the office, literally the treatment takes 10 minutes and you’re back at work. It’s been really, really easy. The results have been amazing. And honestly, it was really safe. It seemed like a great way to kick myself into gear and get the diet started, get the exercise started.

You feel bad if you’re doing all this and you’re not really putting your all into it. You’re not really trying to eat your best and work out, so it really was that six month start to ’til a better life.

About Obalon


Andy Rasdal: Obesity is the largest chronic disease on the planet today. And when we analyze this problem, we saw there really were only two solutions when we looked eight years ago. There was diet and exercise, which clearly isn’t working. Or surgery, which really only relevant for the morbidly obese. And we thought as we’ve done in the past that it was an opportunity to bring in really innovative device to the market that would allow people to lose weight in safe, effective, easy, and affordable manner. And was really that challenge that attracted us to start Obalon.

Lisa Metzner: Well this truly a disruptive technology where a patient can lose up to 50 pounds in a treatment. And it’s FDA approved, non surgical, very strong safety profile. It’s truly disruptive novel technology. It’s going to change the way that people think about weight loss.

Jasson Gilmore: It’s the first gas filled inter gastric balloon that takes up space in your stomach, it helps you eat less, it’s non permanent so it does not involve any surgery or cutting or permanent changes in your anatomy. And results in real meaningful clinical weight loss results for our patients.

Amy Vandenberg: We’ve seen patients lose 30, 40, even 50 pounds with the product. But what I love about Obalon is there’s really no down time. People don’t have to kind of give up their daily activity. They can kind of go pick up their kids after they’ve stopped by the doctor’s office.

Kate Sapp: It’s non surgical but it does create space for someone to learn healthier habits in that six month period of time. And I just think that’s really cool. I mean this could be a game changer for people.

Amy Vandenberg: 89.5% of the total body weight loss was maintained six months after the balloon was removed. And really one of the reasons patients loved it so much was because it worked.

Mark Brister: I think it’s very important for everybody at Obalon to remember that these aren’t just patient numbers. That there’s a person and a story behind everyone of the devices that we build.

Jasson Gilmore: The Obalon balloon is manufacturer, R&Ded, tested, shipped, sold and marketed right here in our facility in Carlsbad, California. And I think that that speaks to the commitment that our company has to quality, safety, and effectiveness.

Andy Rasdal: It’s wonderful to be able to provide a breakthrough technology, a true innovation in the treatment of patients that either allowed physicians to more easily and effectively treat patients for chronic disease or for patients to live with chronic disease and live fuller lives within that.

A ‘Cool’ Way to Reduce Fat with Zero Downtime



Sharene: Hi, my name is [Sharene 00:00:02], and I work with Dr. Kirk Moore at Plastic Surgery Institute of Utah. Today I’m in my CoolSculpting room to talk to you guys about CoolSculpting. This is by far one of my favorite treatments to do, and if you don’t watch yourself, you can get addicted to it. How it works, there’s a lot of people that don’t know, but it’s a nonsurgical way of ridding your body of fat. It’s just as permanent as liposuction, we’re just not surgically removing it from your body. We’re allowing your body to get rid of it instead.

To kind of give you a rundown or tell you how it works, really, is this is our CoolSculpting machine. I have these handpieces that I hook on, that are different shapes and sizes depending on the area that we’re working on. So when I have you come in for a consultation, we go over a treatment plan for you, see which way is going to be right, which areas you want to work on, and see if you’re a candidate for it, and which handpieces I need to use. On the actual treatment day, we’ll do full 360 photos of your area. We’ll take your weight, and then I get to draw all over you to make sure that I’m using the right handpieces and getting them on the exact area that I would like to get them on. Once we get it all hooked up and your skin is drawn up into this cup, it’s going to sit on that area and freeze it, your fat, for a full hour.

Once we freeze these fat cells and they get all crystallized and frozen in there, that’s where the damage happens. Your fat cells can only handle a certain amount of cold temperature. Your skin can handle a lot more, and because of that, they die off. Once they die off, they’re gone for good. You don’t get them back. It’s very interesting to see what it looks like when I take it off. After that full hour is done in the area that we worked on, I’m going to take the handpiece off, and it literally looks like a frozen stick of butter, almost like it’s not a part of your body anymore. At that point your fat cells are completely crystallized and so my part in it is I’m going to massage it out, the more aggressive that I can get with that massage afterwards, the more damage it’s going to cause to the fat cells, and we’re going to get a lot more effective treatment out of it.

But, there is no downtime with any of this. That’s the nice thing about it is, you get to come in here and my favorite part, watch Netflix or TV shows while you get this done and treated, and have some lunch on us, and then suddenly your fat’s gone. So it’s really great. We’d love to have you guys in for a consultation if you can. We can figure out a treatment plan for you, and go into a little bit further details about how it works. It’s by far our favorite treatment around here, and we love it so much more than surgery, because there is no downtime, and it’s very cost effective as well. We’d love to see in here, and thanks much.

2 Ways to Soften Your Smile Lines: Botox & Xeomin



Dr. Kirk Moore: Okay, Botox or Xeomin. Both are the same botulism toxin A. Both of them have very same characteristics, very similar characteristics. Both of them have the same onset. Very similar product. Some people notice that one has an onset quicker than the other. Typically Xeomin has a little bit more of a rapid onset but very similar. No downtime. Maybe a little bit a bruising from the needle sites but there’s really no difference. It’s the same product as Botox from Allergan. You can get… It can be used in the area to kinda the typical 11s. The area between your brow, crows feet. Use it for the lines at the nose.

Some people use it for the jawline, for the creases that you get. You know, the lines and creases and functional lines that you get there. And then could be used in the forehead. When you get a slight browlift sometimes, if you have some really prominent depressor muscles that pull things down. But very, very good product. Similar in the same product as essentially is Botox [milligan]. It’s called Xeomin, X-E-O-M-I-N.

We’re offering specials, free Xeomin with a hair transplant procedure during our event on October 20th, 2015. I hope to see you there.

2 Choices to Lift Your Look: Saline or Silicone Breast Augmentation



Dr. Kirk Moore: Okay saline or silicone? Definitely silicone. Saline is an adequate option, silicone’s better. We have three players in the market, Mentor, Allergan and Sientra is the new one. Sientra has a round and is shaped, and a very similar technology in this form stable gel, which I think is a much safer, better product. And their studies I think are proving that their implants are better I think than the other companies.

During my consultation I don’t recommend a size, I just do measurements and then based on that you choose your own size. You just try things on, see what looks good. Everybody’s a little bit different, one from the other, so I think that makes the process a little bit easier. I’ve had a lot of success by doing that.

And then what I do with my surgery and what I expect for people, your not gonna be down for weeks. Your gonna be back up and at it in a couple hours after surgery. Out to dinner. I’ve had people go on hikes the day of their operation, but certainly no significant downtime. And as a promotion this September we’re offering a free cool sculpting treatment with every breast augmentation.


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