
2 Choices to Lift Your Look: Saline or Silicone Breast Augmentation



Dr. Kirk Moore: Okay saline or silicone? Definitely silicone. Saline is an adequate option, silicone’s better. We have three players in the market, Mentor, Allergan and Sientra is the new one. Sientra has a round and is shaped, and a very similar technology in this form stable gel, which I think is a much safer, better product. And their studies I think are proving that their implants are better I think than the other companies.

During my consultation I don’t recommend a size, I just do measurements and then based on that you choose your own size. You just try things on, see what looks good. Everybody’s a little bit different, one from the other, so I think that makes the process a little bit easier. I’ve had a lot of success by doing that.

And then what I do with my surgery and what I expect for people, your not gonna be down for weeks. Your gonna be back up and at it in a couple hours after surgery. Out to dinner. I’ve had people go on hikes the day of their operation, but certainly no significant downtime. And as a promotion this September we’re offering a free cool sculpting treatment with every breast augmentation.


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